Seventh Street
A Piano For Your Thoughts
Inside the Music Box

Inside the Music Box

A Deranged Melody (?)

First thing’s first….

The Lyrics

Tonight I’ll have some fun, grow some skin

Only for a little bit, cause I cannot handle it

And then later, I’ll run home

And melt back into unrecognizable

Cause I’m a tortured soul

A grief stricken



Isolated woman

Can’t hide it anymore

So she locks every door

I wanna rip up my face

Rip my heart apart

And make you wipe the blood away

Just to hear you say “I loved you everyday”

I wanna smoke my lungs out

With my head out the window

Split-end hair hangin’

So they look up and say

“She’s one crazy lady”

But more than all of that

I just want you back

And I’ve been waiting and waiting

For you to maybe show up

So in the meantime

I’ll hide your betrayal

Inside the music box

I wish people wouldn’t twist their face

As they say it’ll be okay

But everyone seems to know

You were half of my soul

And whatever control I had known

Turned me into a tortured soul

I wanna rip up my face

Rip my heart apart

And make you wipe the blood away

Just to hear you say “I loved you everyday”

I wanna scream my lungs out

With my head out the window

So everyone watching can look up and say

“That really messed her up”

And I’ve been waiting and waiting

For you to maybe show up

So in the meantime

I’ll hide your betrayal

Inside the music box, Inside the music box

And it’s embarrassing

How messed up I am from this

You seem barely okay

But I can’t really tell over my

Depressive insanity

They told me to take time off

So I’m in my dark dark mansion

Clawin’ at the windows

It won’t end no, It won’t end no

Tonight I’ll open the chest

At the foot of my lonely bed

And cry over a gown-like wedding dress

Before I collapse into sleepless distress

This song is wordy right off the bat, but to make it so wordy means to create a bit of insanity. The woman going through this life altering heartbreak is definitely a tortured poet - as most poets are.

So with that being said, I had randomly come up with the title “Inside the Music Box” a while before writing the song, but liked the irony of using that title for a rather messed up bunch of words and emotion.

The Irony

“So in the meantime, I’ll hide your betrayal inside the music box”

When we think of a music box, we think of beautiful - sometimes a bit haunting - melodies while a ballerina or bride spins around with her groom. There’s intricate carvings on the outside of the wood box that you can hold in the palm of your hand.

But for this “crazy lady”, her music box locks and hides away the beautiful, haunting melody of her season of love. This season could’ve been a week for all we know, but it left an eternal mark. One that she can’t seem to face with sanity, so she locks it up in something that should be reserved for the joy of opening a peaceful melody.

Nobody wants to open this music box.

The Premise

The chorus does a good job of encompassing what this woman is feeling and experiencing. And before I even began to write the lyrics, I wanted to capture the idea of depressive insanity.

What I mean by that is how someone can be so heartbroken over loss or life’s cards that they become a bit insane. Or, someone could be so obsessed about a particular event or experience in their life that it burns them out, and all they have left is depression.

I believe this woman was depressed, and she decided to say “What the hell?” and let her insanity take over. After all, she believes there’s nothing left to lose after her heartbreak….How tragic.

But even so, it was incredibly fun to experiment with this song and turn such feelings and words into something beautiful. Though the narrator takes this song heavily, I take and reflect on it very lightly. If anything, it would be funny if I saw someone smoking and screaming out her window over a lost lover.

Yes, she’s overreacting. But isn’t it true that we so easily let our emotions get the better of us, and sometimes lead our lives?

I think we all have secrets and memories we’d rather leave locked away in the music box, but we don’t have to keep it that way.

Thanks for listening and sharing!


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Seventh Street
A Piano For Your Thoughts
An original song, accompanied by a few reflections.
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Madeline Tyler